Wight Wedding Days Advertisers terms and conditions
General: in these conditions, (a) “The Company” means wightweddingdays.co.uk. (b) “The Advertiser” means any person or company placing an advertisement on any part of the company’s website, social media profiles or other publications or events.
Acceptance of conditions: In placing an advertisement or listing, The Advertiser accepts these conditions, No condition which conflicts with these conditions is binding on The Company or The Advertiser unless it is in writing and signed by or on behalf of both parties.
Advertisers warranty and indemnity: (a) The Advertiser warrants (i) that the content of any advertisement is legal, decent, honest and truthful and that it complies all requirements of current legislation; (ii) that nothing in the advert or listing is defamatory or constitutes a malicious falsehood; and (iii) that the publication of the advertisement will not infringe copyright or any other rights vested in third parties.(b) The Advertiser will indemnify The Company in respect of all costs, damages or other charges incurred in connection with any actions or claims brought against The Company arising from a breach by The Advertiser of this warranty or otherwise from the publication of the advertisement
Right to Refuse or Amend Advertisements: (a) The Company reserves the right to refuse to publish any advertisement if, in The Company’s opinion, the advertisement fails to comply with the requirements of condition 3(a) above or the refusal is required in the event of reader protection, even if the advert has already been accepted, or previously published. (b) The Company may itself make any alteration it considers necessary or desirable in an advertisement. (c) All listings can be altered, removed or disallowed for any reason without notice with no refund if you do not follow the above.
Requests for Insertion on Wight Wedding Days on Particular Dates or in Particular Sections or in Particular Pages: Whilst The Company will endeavour to comply with reasonable requests for an advertisement to be inserted on a particular date or in a particular part of the site, the Company makes no guarantee in respect of any such insertion, or may agree on payment of a fee negotiated in advance.
Payment: (a) Where The Company informs The Advertiser that pre-payment is required in respect of the advertisement, The Company reserves the right not to publish the advertisement until payment is received. (b) Where pre-payment is not required, The Advertiser will be invoiced in full upon the commencement of the Contract Period. This invoice must be paid in full within 14 days. Invoices must be paid in full by the date stated on the invoice issued. If the invoice remains unpaid for a further 14 days, your advertisement(s) will be removed, and no further advertisements will be accepted until the invoice is settled.
Cancellation: The Company may cancel or remove The Advertiser from wightweddingdays.co.uk at any time. The Advertiser may cancel by giving 3 months’ notice of the cancellation in writing prior to the expiry date of the advertisement, and the associated adverts will be removed.
Advertising fees are non-refundable.
Copyright: (a) Copyright in all artwork, copy or other material created or contributed to by The Company shall vest in The Company. (b) The Advertiser authorises The Company to record, reproduce, publish, distribute and broadcast (or to permit the same) all advertisements (including but not limited to text, artwork and photographs) and to include and make them available to any information service electronic or otherwise.
Advertisers Property Held at Advertisers Risk: All artwork, film, or other property delivered by The Advertiser to The Company is held by The Company at The Advertiser’s risk and The Advertiser should insure all such property against loss or damage from whatever cause. The Company reserves the right to destroy without notice, all artwork, photographs, film or other property which has been in its custody for six months from the date of it’s last appearance in an advertisement unless The Advertiser has given instructions to the contrary and made mutually agreed arrangements for its return at the advertisers expense.
Errors and Omissions – Limitations of Company’s Liability: (a) The Advertisers shall check the initial publishing of any advertisements and notify The Company immediately of any errors. The Company has no responsibility for the continued display of errors unless notified by The Advertiser. (b) In event of any error or omission in any associated advertising The Company will correct the advertisement or relevant part of it as soon as it is brought to The Company’s attention. (c) The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage to a business occasioned by any misprint or typographical error in an advert or editorial.